Horde to howling fjord
Horde to howling fjord

Recently, the vrykul have appeared and the Forsaken have built a citycontesting the region's Alliance territory status. The Howling Fjord really is Alliance territory, though, and here the Drakkari and even the furbolgs are the ones at risk. This region is also the only Alliance-dominated region in Northrend. The exceptions are the farmers, who have their thickwalled farmhouses by their fields, and the hunters and trappers, who live in small camps among the trees and come south only to trade or sell. That's entirely because of Valgarde, however - without that city it would be an even match between those humans and dwarves and the Drakkari and the furbolgs, not to mention the murlocs as well. This is the only region in Northrend that was dominated by humans and dwarves. To the north the trees begin again, and creatures roam there from the hills above, making it more dangerous but also an excellent place for hunters.

horde to howling fjord

Small farms dot the landscape, particularly down south near Valgarde.

horde to howling fjord

Other than the noise, Howling Fjord is pleasant. Howling Fjord received its name because the wind that races in from the sea on all three sides produces a constant howl, like a maddened beast seeking its prey. Birds roost in the trees and steal grain and seeds, and the warmer climate and rich soil draws insects and other vermin as well. Bears, wolves and other creatures prowl the forests, and small animals sneak through the farmland as well. Most people live in Valgarde or in a semicircle above it. Daggercap Bay dominates the southern end, which is all rock. The land smooths out to the south, however, and the trees fade back, to be replaced by grain and a few hardy fruits and vegetables. The north edge of the Howling Fjord has low hills and thick forest. Howling Fjord has dark forests, open plains, treacherous rocks, and what used to be the only city - and port - on the continent. From the tuskarr settlement of Kamagua on the Isle of Spears, located off the southwestern coast, there is a giant turtle vessel able to transport players to Moa'ki Harbor in the Dragonblight and from there on to Unu'pe in the Borean Tundra. Howling Fjord contains bases of both factions and does not have a faction-specific emphasis. The majestic fortress known as Utgarde is located in the center of this zone it is a dungeon complex and one of its sections, Utgarde Keepis one of the two first instances the other one being Utgarde Pinnacle that players encounter when first arriving to Northrend. The small settlement has since become the center of Alliance activity on Northrend.

horde to howling fjord horde to howling fjord

Stranded by the young prince, the 5,strong expedition set up the outpost of Valgarde. Ripped into the southern coastline lies Daggercap Baywhere the forces of Arthas originally landed on the continent. The Howling Fjord is a zone located in southeastern Northrend.

Horde to howling fjord